If I Didn't Have A Dog/Cat

Ain't it de trooth...
If I Didn't Have A Dog...Or Cat......

I could walk barefoot around the yard in safety.

Description: cid:1.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would
Be hair-free.

Description: cid:2.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

When the doorbell rings, my home wouldn't sound
Like a kennel.

Description: cid:3.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without
Wading through all the fuzzy bodies who beat me there.

I could sit on the couch and my bed any way I wanted,
Without having to take into consideration how much
Space several fur bodies need to get comfortable.

Description: cid:4.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

I would have enough money, and no guilt, to go on
A real vacation.

I would not be on a first-name basis with 6 veterinarians,
as I put their yet unborn grandkids through college.

Description: cid:5.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

The most used words in my vocabulary would not be:
"out," "sit," "down", "come," "no," "stay,"
And "leave it ALONE.

My house would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates and makeshift barriers.

Description: cid:6.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

I would not talk 'baby talk'. 'Eat your din din'. 'Yummy
Yummy for the tummy'..

My house would not look like a day care center, with toys everywhere.

Description: cid:7.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

My pockets would not contain things like poop bags, treats
And an extra leash.

Description: cid:8.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L,
W-A-L-K, T-R-E-A-T, O-U-T, G-O, R-I-D-E, S-U-P-P-E-R,
And C-O-O-K-I-E.
I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as

Description: cid:9.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

I would not look strangely at people who think having
ONE dog/cat ties them down too much.

Description: cid:10.2464847861@web33903.mail.mud.yahoo.com

I'd look forward to spring and the rainy season instead
Of dreading 'mud' season.
I would not have to answer the question: 'Why do you
Have so many animals?' from people who will never know the joy of being loved unconditionally …..

How EMPTY my life would be!!!
